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Three cities. One tram system. Our StUB.

Together with you, we are planning the Stadt-Umland-Bahn (StUB) – our sustainable transportation alterna­tive. It is intended to connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach and also the villages east of Erlangen. Environmentally friendly. Handicapped-­accessible. Modern. Get involved and shape local mobility with us.

Discover the route 

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16. Dialogforum zur Stadt-Umland-Bahn


Am Dienstag, 26. November 2024, findet unser 16. Dialogforum zur Stadt-Umland-Bahn in Nürnberg statt.

NürnbergHistorisches Straßenbahndepot St. Peter


All dates

The StUB at a glance

What is the Stadt-Umland-Bahn actually?

The StUB is the tram system for the metropolitan region! It will connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach and also the villages east of Erlangen, bringing the region even closer together.

What are the benefits of the StUB?

The Stadt-Umland-Bahn is climate-friendly: It emits significantly fewer greenhouse gases on site than a car. If the use of green electricity is planned, the emission value is even close to zero!

When is the Stadt-Umland-Bahn coming?

Construction of the route is scheduled to begin in the mid-2020s. At the end of the 2020s, the first Stadt-Umland-Bahn tram is scheduled to run from the “Am Wegfeld” stop in Nuremberg to Erlangen. 

The route

Where does the Stadt-Umland-Bahn go?

In the future, the Stadt-Umland-Bahn will connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach (L-Network). The villages to the east of Erlangen are also connected to the tram via the so-called “Ostast”. While the route for the L-Network has already been determined, the route for the east branch is still being examined.

To the map

My tram line. Our StUB!

More space, more peace and quiet, more room to breathe: As a modern and environmentally friendly means of transportation, the Stadt-Umland-Bahn offers added value for everyone. Read more

Dr. Florian Janik © Stadt Erlangen / Rainer Windhorst

„Whether going to work or to the university: The StUB sustainably connects work, residential and university locations in the region. It is important for the economic success of our city. Above all, however, it is indispensable for a real turnaround in traffic, for a better quality of life and more climate protection in our city.“

— Dr. Florian Janik, Lord Mayor of the City of Erlangen

Dr. Marcus König © Stadt Nürnberg / Christine Dierenbach

„Rethink, change the mode of transportation, protect the environment: The Stadt-Umland-Bahn fulfils all three aspects. We are a region with considerable commuter traffic. Many people still use their cars for this. The Stadt-Umland-Bahn is an attractive alternative – to rethink and change the mode of transportation. Those who rely on rail instead of road also protect our environment and get to their destination with less stress. So, everything speaks in favor of the StUB.“

— Marcus König, Lord Mayor of the City of Nuremberg

Dr. German Hacker © Stadt Herzogenaurach

„With the StUB, we will be providing a sustainable, climate-friendly and state-of-the-art local transportation system between three cities and, in the future, to villages in the surrounding districts. In doing so, we are securing outstanding business locations in a globalized world.“

— Dr. German Hacker, First Mayor of the City of Herzogenaurach




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